domingo, 27 de março de 2011

Recorda é viver... é mesmo!

Ainda sou jovem, é verdade! Já passaram 6 anos desde o último pontapé na bola quando vestia as cores do União de Paredes como Júnior. Tempos magníficos.
O futebol é mais que um aglomerado de 11 gajos que se juntam para correr atrás da bola. Quem pensa o contrario é muito redutor. O espírito de equipa, a camaradagem, a partilha de sentimentos e emoções são o expoente máximo deste desporto. Constroem-se muitas amizade... algumas passageiras... todavia grande parte delas são persistentes.
Hoje pude comprovar isso. Após 6 Primaveras o grupo de "86 e 87" decidiu, entre quatro linhas, relembrar os bons velhos tempos. Só sentimos necessidade de reviver situações anteriores quando estas nos marcam positivamente.
Aquele pé esquerdo do Vítor, o Piquet continua com o tamanho 49, o Moisés trocou as luvas pelo meio, o Patrick não perde o sorriso, o Clemente continua o mesmo cromo, Salam Saw o postal e mentor desta festa, o Rato sempre aguerrido e bem disposto, o Vitinha sempre com muita classe...
Nem o frio nem o calor quebraram laços que prevalecem... o tempo apenas os confirmou...
De facto, recordar é sentir-nos mais vivos.

2 comentários:

  1. União de Paredes ou "Sport Vilela Mancos e Trôpegos"? Não terá havido confusão no nome?
    Mas o autor refere-se a futebol ou matraquilhos com uma cerveijita e uma caneca de tinto ao lado, na tasca da Ti Pureza?!

    De qualquer maneira, seja de uma forma ou de outra, chame-se a equipa como se chamar, o importante é o desporto como meio de crescimento de valores e de sãs amizades.

  2. So it seems that the writer of this blog is a young person aged about 24 – no longer a child but still learning the ways that will enable him to understand the very strange world that is adult life! No longer protected but alone and having to make one’s own way.
    But still remembering what it was like in the small home town to be a member of a team, the shared experiences, the disappointments, the successes and the sheer delight of being one of a team. Victor, Clemente and Patrick are still there, still waiting to relive those heady days when there were less cares and less responsibilities.
    The lesson, though, is very clear! Team-work is necessary to help one succeed. You leave the tranquillity of your childhood and youth and enter into the far more complicated world that is adult life. You eventually get a job – even if it is not the one you wanted but you are determined to succeed. Those you work with should be a team but they are not always what you expect as team-workers. Some resent your presence, some look down on you, but others, once they get to know you, try to get you to join with them – maybe go running with them. These are the new team that will help you get through some difficult times ahead.
    But do teams have to be large groups of people? What if there is just one other person who is on your side – urging, willing, cajoling you to go on. One who is sure that you can succeed as long as you feel confident in this adult world, one who knows that you are well qualified to do what you most want to do. One who is certain that you have the self-esteem to achieve your goal!
    The writer, the young person who so fondly remembers wearing the colours of the Paredes junior football team, understands the meaning of team-work and the effort that each team member has to put into common aim to succeed.
    To be part of a team, whether made up of a large number or just one other person is a good thing. So one might hope that this feeling of companionship can be shared with new colleagues as well as with the Team of Childhood Memories? However, there might be times when you have to be far apart from your team-mates, whether many or just one, and this may be an anxious time for all those concerned and so the time when you meet again should be very joyous, as your recent experience shows. Hopefully it will be the same whenever you are separated from those who love you and you are eventually re-united.
    And it just maybe that a team of two, with one who shares the common interest in the author’s future, might also succeed in enjoying a long lasting friendship?

    The Atlantic Traveller 28.03.2011
